Cigar Signs
As an advertising medium that speaks of the past and a collectible art piece for the future, glass cigar signs can enhance any home or business setting.
Since before the turn of the century, glass cigar signs have been a popular form of advertising. Each cigar maker would have their own custom logo and art work painted on glass to catch the discerning consumer’s eye. Recognized as a form of art, glass cigar signs are have increasingly become rare collector’s items. Cigar signs were commonly created using what is called reverse-glass style – a design is painted on one side of a piece of glass while it is viewed from the other side. The tools and techniques of reverse glass painting have recently been rediscovered and here at RLT Custom Glass Signs we are continuing the art and traditions of the original reverse glass signs. We can reproduce older works or create original artwork for you. Our limited number of creations is sure to become collectors’ items.